Monday, September 13, 2010

Post Op

Everything moved so quickly the day of the surgery. I had to wait about 2 hours before they took me back to get ready. Then it was all a blur. I have 6 incisions that are just painful enough to know they are there. All of the nurses were great, Dr Spaw is great.

09/08/10 - Today is the worse so far. I woke up nauseous and in pain. I tried to sleep as much as I could. The nauseous and pain finally got better later in the night.

09/09/10 - Today woke up feeling much better. No nauseous feeling but still have pain. I got to come home today.

09/10/10 - So about today. Well it has been a good day. I have a little more gas than yesterday but nothing that hurts.  I have sat and slept on the couch most of the day. Got up and walked around the house some. Drank my protein water. I am still sore but that's to be expected. I only take my pain medicine when it's the kind of hurt that I can't get comfortable with. Otherwise, it's a heating pad and lots of pillows

09/11/10 - Let me start out by saying that when I came home Thursday 09/09/10 I weighed 234. Today I weighed 228 so I have lost the extra weight from the gas and fluids given to me at the hospital. Ok now onto today. I got up this morning feeling very lightheaded and nauseous. I took my nausea medicine for the first time since being in the hospital and went back to bed. I played on the computer until I fell asleep. I slept for a few hours and got back up feeling better. I ate the rest of my pudding cup and drank very slowly my water. I am again feeling nauseous. I am thinking that it has to do with not having enough food in me. But again this is to be expected right now.

09/12/10 - Got up feeling ok. Decided to take Aaron to my sister's house in Nashville. Sat at her house for about an hour and got tired. Came back home and watched the Titans with Matthew. Finally got sleepy enough to go lay down in my bed. Got up later on just in time for Ben and Aaron to come home. Again, just sat around watching TV. By the time it was to go back to bed I was feeling very anxious, like my legs wanted to run a marathon or something. Took me forever to fall asleep and even then I layed on the couch in order to sit up some. As far as food goes, I got in a 20oz cup of protein water during the day, SF Pudding, Chicken Broth and Popsicle. My tummy doesn't really hurt anymore except when I have gas, even then it's more pressure than pain.

09/13/10 - So after last night I had to get up this morning to go see my therapist. After taking a shower one of my bandages came off. It's ok, it has a steri strip over it. The therapy appointment went well. Took a protein shake with me and only finished about half of it. Ben went to pay bills while I was at therapy. After therapy we just went riding around awhile to enjoy the day. Got home and rested on the couch. Aaron fixed him a tuna sandwich and I took the small amount of tuna left in the can and ate it. You would think the boys were going to think I was going to die or something. They were all over me about eating food while I am suppose to be on liquids. Thankfully my new tummy handled it well.

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