Sunday, December 19, 2010

Food Addiction

I am addicted to food. Let me rephrase that I am addicted to sugary fatty foods.

I am so afraid of messing up. I wish that this surgery could cure food addiction. I seem to be eating everything that is bad for me. Mostly when I am at home. I know it is boredom and what do I do? I head to the fridge and/or the cabinets trying to find something to eat. Why do I even have the bad stuff in the house? That is a good question. I guess that will be the question I ask myself when I go to the grocery store tonight.

What to do about boredom. Well I could make all kinds of promises but I know that I won't keep those promises. All I want to do when I am at home is sit and watch TV. I don't want to get up and work out or clean the house or get some kind of hobby. I just want my mind to shut off.

Even though the weight is coming off slowly and the inches are coming off, I know in the back of my mind that if I continue to eat the way that I do that I will gain the weight back. That is unacceptable to me. But how do I get my brain to work with me and not against me? Oh this is so hard!!!!


  1. Pick up the phone and call me when those cravings hit...I am doing fine with the cravings...I don't find myself in the kitchen much, except to clean it or feed the others...Just keep the chocolate away!!! LOL...951-723-1105/951-415-3068 Pam

  2. I am struggling too. I do not know why I choose to particpate in a COOKIE EXCHANGE of all things. I did throw some of them away (but I kept the ones that were I'm stalled and I'm sure the little extra goodies that I don't need are partially to blame. Anyway, glad to know I'm not alone.

  3. Oh Debbie;

    This is completely untrained, non professional advice ... so take it with a grain of salt ... BUT - you just lost your mother. A loss that I, myself can't even fathom at ANY moment of my life ... never mind during the single most drastic and life changing event of my existance!

    Cut yourself a little slack ... but I think you need to seek out some help. Ask the clinic, your doctor ... surely someone can refer you to a person that can help you sort your feelings out.

    I am 5 weeks out from my surgery and my life is pretty hunky dorey ... but I am upside down. My cycles are off, my moods are crazy, I'm hungry and stuffed inside the same minute, my mouth says yes, but my tummy says nuh-uh, I hate exercising, I love to cook - and I have two little kids who MUST have junk in the house at all times - there is nothing easy about the aftermath of having this surgery ... don't kid yourself.

    I hope you will reach out to someone. You need to know that what you are doing is huge and what you are dealing with is heartbreaking ... asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of self preservation.

    I wish you luck, and peace.

    Take good care.

