Tuesday, December 7, 2010

3 Months Post Op

I am 3 months post op!


July 29th - 248.8
Sept 7th - 229
Oct 7th - 212.8
Nov 7th - 204.8
Dec 7th - 198.4

So that is a total loss of 50.4lbs since July and 30.6lbs since surgery.

Well I guess we can start off by saying that Thanksgiving went better than I expected it to go. At first I didn't know if I could or wanted to be around anyone since Momma passed away. But I did. And it was wonderful to be around so much of my family. My little sister Angel, hosted her first Thanksgiving dinner at her house. I had small bites of just about everything there. Then my older sister Tonia, had Thanksgiving at her house, and I had small bites of just about everything there. It went very well.

My eating is still the same as last month. Still learning how fast, how much and what I can eat. When I eat sweets, like ice cream, I get a major sugar rush and feel sick to my stomach. That didn't happen before. So guess what, that has curbed my desire for sweets.

I have started walking at the YMCA 1 to 2 times a week. I know that is not much but at least it is something. I take the stairs at work and I park further away from the building.

All of my clothes are so loose now. However, I'm not quite ready for the next size down in pants. I need a little more off from around my belly in order to go down a size.

I feel so much better now. I can walk up the stairs without feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack. I cross my legs all the time now. I can sit indian style. My sons can pick me up like a rag doll. And the best thing I am under 200lbs for the first time in 14 years.

Love my sleeve!


  1. So proud of you Debbie...I have had to buy clothes, shirts and pants, left and right.Down 3 sizes in pants..Got tired of flashing my co workers and pts...LOL..7 more lbs and I will be under 200 for the 1st time in about 13 years..Cannot wait...72 lbs since last november...38 lbs since my surgery on 9/16..My co worker told me yesterday that I no longer look overweight, just normal..The hubby actually is now telling me I look nice! Loving it..But yes, me too, am having trouble figuring out what my stomach likes now adays...We will get this done together:) Pam

  2. Hooray for you, Debbie! You have had such tragedy to overcome ... all loaded on top of such a massive lifestyle change. Kudos to you, I don't know that I wouldn't have fallen into a massive pity party in the same circumstances.

    You must feel so proud of yourself to be under 200 lbs! (I still have 70lbs to go before I can claim that one ... but the 40 I have dropped certainly are begining to make a difference in how I am feeling.)

    You deserve a big pat on the back - congratulations, girl - you rock!

    Keep up the good work, you are inspiring.
